As an agency, we always test our tech stack the same way every time. We swap out our CMS or our Frontend. Why? Because it's a long and arduous procedure and we wouldn't advise anybody to do it unless they're certain that the result will bring far more advantages than the time it would take to just refactor.
Along came Sanity.
So when we started speccing out the CMS, knowing all of the long-term issues that might arise, we wanted to make sure that we found our golden goose.
First, we tested the scalability, how does referenced content work? Will we be able to non-destructively change field names? How about validation, can we customise it?
Second, we tested how performant it was, how on-board the development team was with questions and what the roadmap looked like.
Finally, we internally critiqued it, essentially drilling down to every last detail to ensure we hadn't picked a doozy.
Drop everything, we're going all in
Once we realised, that every last box had been ticked, we knew it was going to be our be all and end all. So we started refactoring the Roboto website, piece by piece building back up the components. What was even better was the fact that all of these components came as standard with typescript generation thanks to a nifty tool called Sanity Codegen.
After some late nights, blood sweat and tears we finally got the new and upgraded version of Roboto using Sanity as the CMS. Naturally with any new technology there's an element of honeymoon period... However, we're still well and truly feeling the love, far outside of that... In fact so much so, that I'm typing this with the new Sanity V3 environment and loving every second of speedy content generation... Check it out.

Happily ever after
Following our swap over to Sanity, we've been building more and more ambitious projects, and becoming more and more involved with the community. So much so we're now on the Community Ambassador team (awaiting a sparkly pin to show everybody) and Sanity Agency Partners.
If you're planning on building a Sanity CMS powered website or app, get in touch, we love to talk shop and we'd be more than happy to share our experiences of "the good, the bad, and the ugly" in headless CMS'