
IT Asset Management Policy

Uncover the essentials of Roboto Studio's IT Asset Management Policy. Learn how we efficiently track, manage, and optimize our IT resources.

1.0 Purpose

This policy provides procedures and protocols that support effective organizational asset management specifically focused on electronic devices. Maintaining up-to-date inventory and asset controls is important to ensure that equipment locations and dispositions are understood.

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all organization members.

3.0 Policy

3.1 Asset Types

IT asset refers to anything (tangible or intangible) that has value to an organization including, but not limited to, computing devices; IT systems, networks and circuits; software (both installed instance and physical instance); virtual computing platforms (common in the cloud and virtualized computing); and related hardware, as well as people and intellectual property. Roboto Studio shall discover, identify, classify and update the asset inventory periodically.

3.2 Asset Value

Assets of value less than £250 shall not be tracked, including computer components such as smaller peripheral devices, keyboards or mice. Regardless of cost, assets that store data shall be tracked as part of a computing device or as part of network-attached storage.

3.3 Asset Tracking Requirements

The following procedures apply to asset management activities:

  • All IT assets purchased by the organization shall be stored in centralized asset management stores managed by Information Technology when they have not been issued or are not in use.
  • All assets must have an internal asset number assigned and mapped to the device’s serial number. Format is "<2-digit year><8-digit code>"
  • An asset tracking database shall be created to track assets and must be reviewed periodically by authorized personnel.

3.4 Asset Review

Roboto Studio shall establish a process and have documented procedures to review unauthorized assets on a periodic basis.

3.5 Acceptable Use and Management

All assets purchased by Roboto Studio are the property of Roboto Studio and will be deployed and utilized in a way that is deemed most effective for addressing Roboto Studio’s need and objectively demonstrate value for money. The budget for IT assets will be centralized and managed by Information Technology.

3.6 Asset Disposal and Repurposing

The secure disposal or repurposing of equipment and resources prior to assignment, transfer, transport or surplus must be in line with Roboto Studio’s Technology Equipment Handling and Disposal Policy.

4.0 Responsibilities

The person listed here is responsible for implementing this policy: Joseph Pindar – Roboto Studio CISO. Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating IT assets audit activities and updating and maintaining the accuracy of the asset management system.
  • Ensuring that all IT equipment is returned to Information Technology upon replacement or when the holder leaves the organization.
  • Reporting any incorrect disposal or misuse of an IT asset to an appropriate manager in Information Technology as soon as possible.

End users issued with IT assets will be responsible for:

  • Retaining responsibility for IT equipment issued to them until returned to Information Technology.
  • Reporting the loss or theft of IT assets immediately to Information Technology.
  • Returning all IT equipment to Information Technology upon replacement, when it is no longer required for business or when the holder leaves the organization.

Version History

A list of all the versions including their version, author, date and comments.

0.1Joe Pindar (Fresh Security)2022-05-16First Draft
1.0Joe Pindar (Fresh Security)2022-06-01Sign Off
1.1Joe Pindar (Fresh Security)2023-10-01Add patching timeliness requirements. Add policy review schedule. Review for best practice alignment.



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